Friday, November 2, 2012

Goodnight Sandy

On Monday night, we lost power at 5:22pm. Not long after the worst of the storm arrived and lasted most of the night. While trying to fall asleep that evening, I grabbed my iPad and typed out this... poem? short story? I'm really not sure what to call it. It's just my feelings as the storm was happening that night.   It's inspired by the children's book Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. 

Goodnight Sandy

Goodnight melting clock, that ticks and tocks.

Goodnight darkness, cold and damp, not a drop of light to spare.

Goodnight trees, once proud and green standing your ground. Hope good morning doesn't find you on the ground, stripped of your leaves and limbs and souls.

Goodnight wind, blowing hard and fast, making houses creak and children weep. May good morning find you blowing a different tune.

Goodnight my little corner of the world, all battered and bruised. Fight hard and stay strong, the end is near.

Goodnight all humans, sharing concern and care. Watch over each other, for the road to healing and repair will be long and hard and in need of a hand.

Goodnight Sandy, but beware. We will forgive, but never forget. You will leave us stronger than you found us, closer than we were.

Goodnight for now, for when the dawn breaks it will be a new day and we will begin to repair the damage you have done.

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