Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's the little things...

A couple of weeks ago I received this photo via a text message from my friend Mike.

Now to most people this is just a picture of a guy. To me... it's love, it's friendship, it's special. This photo is of my friend Brian, on his vacation to Walt Disney World, pressing pennies for me. Pennies I mentioned needed back in December for an art project. Brian has had a few rough months, yet he remembered my silly, generic request. And Mike was thoughtful enough to take a cute picture and send it. The guys might just think they were just having fun, but to me.. this is friendship. This is happy. This is one of those moments that make life worthwhile.

This photo made my day and I now smile every time I look at it.

p.s. Hi Laura! I know you had a part in all this too! Love ya!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Take 4 or is it 5? 6?

So, here I go again. Another attempt at creating a personal blog. But this time things are different. With this one I'm going to try going with the flow. No more planning out posts and then putting them off until I get around to completing the 3 or 4 ones planned in front of it. I'm just going to post, throw caution to the wind, not care what people really think. Let's see how it goes. I imagine it'll be rough going. I expect my super creative side and my OCD will constantly be having battles in my head. If you are lucky those battles may spill out onto the screen. If that happens I at least can promise you it will be entertaining.

Here's hoping this blog attempt sticks.

p.s. It'll get prettier looking over time, but going with the flow means writing when I want to write. The rest will fall into place.