Friday, April 29, 2011

April 2011 Scrapping the Magic Photo Scavenger Hunt

My entries into this month's Scrapping the Magic, monthly photo scavenger hunt.

For April our Scavenger Hunt items were:

An oval,
the color pink,
something fluffy,
and wire.
The bonus item was recycle, since Scrapping the Magic celebrated Mother Earth all month long.
If you would like to join in the Scavenger Hunt, check out the thread on the Scrapping the Magic forums!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Workspace Wednesday

Spent the last few days rearranging my room and creating a new workspace. Finished just in time for Workspace Wednesday! Most of the stuff on the table today is tools. My trimmers, jewelry making supplies, and my wall storage with my glue gun and other items. The other items are just some of the pieces of my All About Me Disney album, a basket of new items to be split with my mom, and my tin Pay it Forward gift from Beads for Busy Gals. More on that tomorrow!

Maybe now with my new space I'll be able to start posting completed projects, not just pictures of the supplies! =0)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Workspace Wednesday

Fabric for bracelets and headbands, crochet work for a headband, Magic & Minn-e just off their toolbox photo shoot, and just some random messes. If you click on the photo it will take you to my Flickr! account where there are notes on the photo of all the projects in process.

I really need to get my butt in gear, start working more on projects, and less shopping or planning for new projects!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It will be what it will be...

Tomorrow I celebrate my 35th birthday. My big adventure of the day will be a CT scan with some nasty contrast. I'll then come home to bake my birthday cake. My gifts are a new tool box and Tangled on Blu-Ray. Both things I wanted so I'm excited about them, but the fact that I already have them makes them less exciting. Still fun, but not earth shattering special.

Birthdays just aren't the same as when we were kids, are they. Especially if they fall in the middle of the week and aren't a milestone. At least they aren't when you are single. Can't speak for the married folks out there. No cute theme parties, no surprise gifts. Just a nice dinner and a small present from my parents. Maybe something from a friend or too. At least that's how my family is. I miss the cupcakes in class, the balloons, even the clowns, well some clowns. The cute, funny clowns. The scary clowns you can keep.

But none the less it is still my birthday and I'm going to make the most of it. At least I can count on tons of Facebook notifications tomorrow.

And at least there will be cake. Cake always makes it a good day.