But what word to use?
I've been tossing around ideas on my word but nothing seems to describe how I want me year to go. There is BELIEVE in yourself, just DO it, FEARLESS, ACHIVE your goals, and so on... but those just don't fit. Then it hit me...
I need some.... CONFIDENCE in myself, CONFIDENCE in my abilities, CONFIDENCE in my creations, CONFIDENCE in the people around me. My life is lacking CONFIDENCE. So I'm going with it. That will be my word of the year.
CONFIDENCE that 2012 is going to be a good year. Let's see if I can do it.
Do you have a word for 2012? Share with us in the comments.

Great word, April. I kept seeing those Weight Watchers commercials last night with their new Believe ads, but believe is a such a spiritual word to me. So, I think my word will be Perseverance. To keep going in spite of difficulties. Thats what I need to remember. Or as my friend Dory says, "Just keep swimming!"