Wednesday, August 1, 2012

BlogHer 2012 Bound Pt. 4 - The Fashion

With all the BlogHer business and parties, one logically starts to think about fashion. The old "what do I wear" dilemma. Some attendees like to go all, with heels, dresses, fabulous tops. And full on cocktail attire for the parties. Others like to keep in fairly simple, with a nice shirt and pair of pants. Now me, being a jeans and sneakers kind of girl, dressing up is not something I look forward to. Luckily, it's not a requirement. Now I did get caught up in the buying a bunch of new outfits for the conference and I even pulled out my craftiness and made some accessories, but everything was done in my style. I even went as far as to make some outfits for Dali that fit the theme of what I was wearing. I didn't buy dresses or heels or even anything fancy. I went with the "this is me" approach.

When I started planning my wardrobe for the event, I did take into consideration that I would be representing myself and my blogs. I knew I would be meeting brands and pr reps and things needed to be professional. But I decided that I am my brand. If a rep didn't like how I was dressed than maybe they aren't a good fit for my blogs. So keeping that in mind I went with "geek chic" attire. Picked up some cute Doctor Who and Loki themed t-shirts, made sure my jeans were in good shape, and pulled out my favorite flip flops. I'll be neat, clean, and well put together... but in my way, not a high fashionista way. 

Dali's Thursday outfit.
We are going with a superhero theme.
I know there is nothing really special about jeans and tees, but where I think I really shine is my accessories! They are funky, geeky, and all lots of fun! On Thursday, with my Loki tee, I'll be wearing a POW headband that I received as a gift. This one to be exact. I also picked up this Captain America bracelet that perfectly matches the outfit I made for Dali! As for a necklace, I made this heart shaped Lego charm and hung it on a silver chain. I'm finishing off the look with a retro Pop Swatch watch that I've had since the early `90s. 

Dali's Friday and Saturday outfit.
Doctor Who theme.
For the rest of the conference, I'm going with a Doctor Who theme. I have three different shirts I plan on wearing between the 2 days. I created a 11th Doctor inspired bow tie headband and I've got a neat recycled record cuff to wear on my wrist. The cuff really isn't Doctor Who related, I just thought it was cool. Like bow ties are cool. And of course Dali got an outfit to match! An 11th Doctor bow tie and fez! I'll also be wearing the watch and Lego necklace for these two days. 

Both outfits are very me and very much what I am about, so I figured I was making a personal statement with what I was wearing. The reason I decided to wear flips instead of the standard geek foot wear of Chucks, is 1) it's August, it'll be hot, and I hate wearing socks when it's warm out. And 2) I don't find my Chucks great for lots and lots of walking. And if I received one piece of advice about BlogHer, it's wear comfortable shoes! Plus I'll be sporting a very fetching knee brace and my Teva flip flops are very comfy and surprisingly supportive!

I did, however, go a little "crazy" for one of the parties at BH. The Sparklecorn party is all about rainbows, unicorns, and glitter. So much glitter. Since me and glitter don't get along to well, I went with more of a shimmer to add some shine to my outfit. I'll still be wearing jeans and a Doctor Who tee... but I made an aqua and lime tutu to go with it. And I got some matching boas. I'm also thinking about replacing the bow tie headband with a pair of classic 3-D glasses, you know the red & blue ones, since my tee is the 10th Doctor sporting the same glasses. I packed them, I'm thinking about it, not sure if I'm going to go there. I'll decide when I get changed for the party. Dali also has a matching tutu and boa. And he might have a crown. Not sure yet... have to see if I have time to make one. 

So whether you go all out, go geeky, or go simple... make it your own. And remember... the clothes don't make the person... the person makes the clothes. And check out this post from Kate @ The Guavalicious Life... she has some great tips for dressing for BlogHer! BlogHer Boot Camp: Top Ten Fashion Tips

Happy Stylin'!

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