Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Brief First Look of Spring

As I mentioned in Sunday's Project 52 post, I spent some time outside looking for signs of spring on the trees. Much to my surprise I found some! I can't wait for these little buds to start opening up!

However, just a few hours later, that fickle filly Mother Nature decided she wanted to give us some more snow. So I reshot some of the same buds... this time with a coating of the dreaded white stuff! It wasn't a lot, but it did put a damper on my nice springy photo shoot day!

I hope in a few weeks that cold and snow will finally say goodbye and I can retake these photos once the buds have had a chance to mature.


  1. *achoo* i can't wait to have some green around here, but i'm not looking forward to the sore throat and itchy eyes!! =D

  2. I am aching to get outside and in the garden and get some dirt under my fingernails! Real spring weather can't come soon enough for me!
