Friday, February 1, 2013

Hair Today...

Gone tomorrow. Tomorrow at 2pm to be exact. I'm going to do it, I'm going to chop most of my hair off. Here is my hair currently...

It's long, it's wavy, it's red. And after the trip to the salon it will be at least 13" shorter. Maybe 15", haven't decided yet. I do know that all the cut hair will be going to Locks of Love. As for why I'm cutting it, I'm not really sure. I'm kind of over it? I mean, it's usually twisted up out of the way, people don't even see how long it is... so what is the point of having it all? Maybe I just need a change? I really don't know. I just know I finally have enough to donate, so why not.

But part of the fun in a major hair change, is picking something new! I've picked a couple of styles off of the internet that I'm thinking about... cut and style only! I'm not changing the color! Here are some styles that have caught my eye:

Chances are I'll end up with a simple bob with no bangs and just long enough to pull back if I want. I'm expecting I'll be wearing a lot of headbands to keep it off my face, because hair on my face slightly bugs me. But at least when I do go to an event now, I can do something a little more stylish than a ponytail. 

Or, the worst could happen and I spend the evening crying "what the heck have I done?!" But hey... it's just hair, mine grows fairly fast, and at least I tried!

Wish me luck!


  1. My little one had her hair sheared last week, and now she thinks she's a new person. Do you have a new name and identity picked out?

    1. It depends if I wind up curled in a corner sobbing or if I feel like having a photo shoot. I'll keep you posted!
