I was going to title this post my dirty or dark secret, but it's not really either of those. And to my close friends it's not really a secret. But to the general public some of this isn't known. See, I don't work. Not because I don't want to, believe me most days I do. It's because I can't. I can't because, well, I have fibromyalgia AND Crohn's disease AND an anxiety disorder. Fun, huh? Each one alone doesn't stop me from being able to work, but the combination of the three... well I'm just a big old mess. All this also leaves me without an income. Thankfully, I have really great parents. Though at my age, that is a big kick to the psyche
So why am I telling you all of this... well, I guess because it helps explain a bit why I'm so inconsistant at posting to this blog and all my other websites. Somedays I just can't move very well. Or I forget. Or I'm sleeping. I do that a lot, sleep. And sleep is not my friend. I want it to be, but if it was it would be like that friend you want to really like but they just wears you down. Sleep is never refreshing. If you are a fellow blogger you know what it's like to try and write or create art when you are super tired. It's hard. It brings typos. And rambly posts. Kind of like this one. Or no posts at all. And I do it sans coffee. I don't like coffee. And I only allow myself no or maybe one soda a day. So, yeah... I live mostly caffeine deprived. That doesn't help with the always being tired.
I thought with the challenge of NaBloPoMo I would be blogging more... clearly that isn't happening. But it is still early in the month, so I'm going to try and do better. Do better on all my blogs. And I hope to get a burst of energy and some mojo back to make some new projects. Or at least finish posting the ones from my last burst of creativity.
So there you go... my little secret (or four). And with that it's about 10pm. Time to go meet my nemesis the sandman. Maybe tonight will be a good night.